Is the older โ€œTurkishโ€ woman you talk about have a first initial of S?

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It's high time with all these people coming out of the woodwork seeing your boobs for the first or second time, I first noticed them in the background of a mid-2010's UNC naked run video. The B-sides never get the same play.

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You end on land - and it feels like a shipwreck - barren, unknown yet welcome by contrast. I have much more to say on this. It is your forum here - I have others.

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Each civilization is in great part defined by what it abhors. The Greeks with the โ€œhorror vacuiโ€ and inscrutable shifting feminine - the Old Kingdom fearing โ€œWadj-werโ€ the โ€œGreen waterโ€ as unfit opposite of balanced justice. And โ€œthe westโ€ - with our love of infinite axial space - loving in fact what the greeks themselves feared - it is maybe the chaotic whirlpool - infinity turned into dimensionless chaos - the โ€œinfinite scrollโ€ we are so familiar with but few think of deliberately that you have begun to map.

Your children you think of - it isnโ€™t they alone who come to be out of and past this new horizon of chaos - these liminal realms birth new civilization - while chewing away at the old.

This is a mission - a keen mission. It speaks from you like Iโ€™ve seen seldom else.

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